M.Sc Computer Science
About The Department
- The Computer Science Department was established in 1990. Our main objective is for the student to establish wide Knowledge in Technical fields. We, the department, equip the students with industry-standard proficiency courses (Theory and Practical) for enriching and empowering their innovative skills in emerging trends and technologies in the domain of Computer science.
- The students are motivated to do Academic or Lab-on Projects with the design and development of advanced tools and techniques. It has dedicated and specialized faculty members in different areas of Computer science with rich experience in academics, industry, and research.
- This programme includes the study of software development, software testing, software engineering, computer networking, web design, databases, programming languages, etc.
- The department has well equipped and large laboratories with modern computer equipment’s. We also provide enrichment pathways to actively engage the students in various academic and non-academic-related activities to explore their own interests in achieving our targeted goals.

To be prominent department of computer science, preparing competent professionals with computation, problem analysis and solving for the industrial and societal related problems with modern tools & technologies.
• Equipping students with latest software & hardware skills in the field of technology supplemented with practical orientation to take challenges in the modern computing industry.
• Our department combines strong fundamentals of project & team oriented activities soft skills leading to a well rounded professional’s education.
• Build a most conductive environment for problem solving skills and research for lifelong learners.
• Induce Ethical values & sprit of social commitment.
M.Sc Computer Science programme is a two-year post-graduate course of study that aims to improve students’ advanced programming abilities and methods for tackling a wide range of logical problems. The M.Sc Computer Science, also known as M.Sc CS, emphasizes the development of software and networking skills.
The M.Sc Computer Science syllabus and subjects are divided into two years of study, with each year consisting of two semesters. Some of the major M.Sc Computer Science subjects include Advanced Programming Language, Operating Systems, Data Structures in C, Artificial Intelligence, Microprocessors and Applications, Advanced Computer Networks, System Software, and Data Networking.

M.Sc Computer Science Subjects (Electives)
The candidates can also check the M.Sc Computer Science subjects list below.
• Web Services
A web service is a software system that supports interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network
• Data Mining
Data mining is the process of sorting through large data sets to identify patterns and relationships that can help solve business problems through data analysis.
• Statistics and Data Analytics
In data analytics, statistics is used to derive insights and knowledge from data to inform business decisions.
• Information Security
Information Security is basically the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information.
• Data Compression
Data compression is a reduction in the number of bits needed to represent data.
• Soft Computing
Soft computing is the use of approximate calculations to provide imprecise but usable solutions to complex computational problems.
• Distributing Computing
Distributed computing is the method of making multiple computers work together to solve a common problem.
• Mobile Computing
Mobile computing is human–computer interaction in which a computer is expected to be transported during normal usage and allow for transmission of data
Why to Pursue M.Sc Computer Science?
M.Sc Computer science course is popular among students due to the increasing demand for computer-related projects. The reliance on computing applications has increased many folds in recent years. Life has changed, and computers and related technology have gained prominence. There are advancements in various fields related to human life such as robotics, mobile devices, gaming applications, computer vision, and so on that have become an integral part of our lives, and everyone’s reliance on computers has become obvious. M.Sc Computer job opportunities in this sector have increased over the years, and as a result, students are showing interest in taking this course.
The students will be assigned similar kind of roles after completing M.Sc Computer Science. They can get placed in multinational companies, government jobs, teaching jobs, etc. Jobs for M.Sc Computer Science students are mentioned below.
• Software Designer
• Software Programmer
• IT Consultant
• IT Analyst
• Professor
• Network Administrator
• Database Administrator
• Web Application Developer
• Technical Analyst
• Product Development Analyst
M.Sc Computer Science Required Skills
The candidates must possess these important skills if they opt for this M.Sc in Computer Science . These skills are really very crucial to improve our educational life as well as our work life.
• Communication Skill
• Technical Skill
• Critical Thinking
• Computer Skill
• Software and Hardware Skill
• Numerical Skill
• Problem Solving Skill
• Patience and hard work
• Teamwork quality
M.Sc Computer Science Job Prospects
With an M.Sc in Computer Science, a candidate has countless career options. After earning their postgraduate degree in computer science, candidates can find employment in a variety of fields, giving them a wide range of career options. Companies and organizations hire M.Sc in Computer Science graduates for a wide range of job profiles. After finishing their M.Sc in Computer Science course, candidates are hired in a variety of industries, including universities and colleges, information technology companies, pharmacy companies, etc.
M.Sc Computer Science Scope
Computer Science is the fundamental introductory course for all computer-related fields. Many students are able to work in other countries after completing an MSc Computer Science course. Many jobs are available in both the private and public sectors. There are numerous specialisations available, including data science, computer language, and cyber security. As technology and digitization become more widely accepted, the opportunities for M.Sc Computer Science graduates become limitless.
Ph.D after M.Sc in Computer Science
One of the highest academic degrees a person can obtain in the field of computer science is a PhD. A 3–5 year programme is required to earn a PhD in Computer Science. After earning an MTech, MSc, or MPhil in Computer Science, one may pursue a PhD in the field. After earning a PhD in Computer Science, there are many benefits because:
• They are highly desired
• Study-based work
• The development of a new computing discipline
• Teaching
Faculty Details
Dr.P.PRAMESWARI M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Mrs.S.KAVITHA M.C.A., (Ph.D.,)
Mrs.K.SARANYA M.C.A., M.Phil.,