24x7 Women Helpline Number : +91 99656 21018

About the Department


The Department of Microbiology was established in 1994 to provide education at the Undergraduate, Master and Research levels. Microbiology programme at Palanisamy College of Arts is committed to excellence in Education and Research. The programme is strengthened with well-equipped separate laboratories for UG and PG Department. The Department offered with a high standard quality of equipments such as Microscopes, Laminar Air Flow Chambers, Hot Air Oven, Incubators, Autoclave, Centrifuge, UV, Spectrophotometer, Colorimeter, PCR, BOD incubator, Metabolic Shaker, Air Sampling Unit.

Our department comprises of well experienced faculty members with research interest and expertise in the areas of experimental techniques. The strength of the department lies in the experienced faculty with Ph.D. The individual attention is provided to pursue world-class competitive research to achieve a global excellence in Microbiology Career guidance programmes and personality development programmes were conducted frequently to increase the awareness among students. Students were taken to several Industrial visits (One day visits and 3 days trip) every year, to make them acquainted with Industrial processes.


The microbiology department seeks to achieve the global needs with highly qualified microbiologists capable of dealing with premium process and applications which will profoundly influence existing paradigm of agriculture, industry, health care and restoration of environment providing sustainable competitive edge of presence society.


  • To offer quality education in microbiology programme to enhance intellectual foundation and preparation of students for life in a complex dynamic technological world.
  • To provide graduate and research programmes in microbiology as core major in various fields such as medical, agricultural, environmental, industrial and partner with other department to offer minor in biochemistry, biostatistics, bio informatics to prepare students with experimental learning which may build professional careers.
  • A service for peoples, government agencies and industries that require expert advice about microorganisms and the roles they play in our health, economy and sustainability of our natural resources.
  • To Inculcate the values of honesty and responsibility as also sensibilities for our department students.


For Undergraduate course

  • PEO 1:Apply knowledge of molecular mechanism and cellular process in living system including microbes plant s, animals to applies aspects
  • PEO 2: Our graduate will able to analyze be the problem in basic and current area of industrial microbiology fermentation technology environmental and agricultural microbiology are included to train the students and also sensitize them to scope for research
  • PEO 3: Our graduate of the programme will serve as a successful microbiologist and apply the fundamentals concepts of MB and laboratory technology in the agriculture ,industry ,health care societal related emerging application areas
  • PEO 4: The graduate will be equipping themselves in higher studies ,entrepreneur And applying new ideas and technologies in microbiology
  • PEO 5: Our graduate will able to practicing excellent to their experience which addresses issues in a responsive ethical and innovative manner

For Post-graduate course

  • PEO 1: The graduate acquired knowledge in various fields of microbiology such as medical, industrial, food, environmental and agriculture.
  • PEO 2: The graduates will able to understand the science of human health and disease including opportunities for promoting and protecting health across the life course.
  • PEO 3: The graduates will able to develop laboratory skills, research methodology, reviewing of journals and conducting projects.
  • PEO4: The graduates will develop knowledge in ethical thinking, quantitative analytical skills and its application to biological issues in society.
  • PEO 5: The graduate will equip themselves in advanced studies, bio entrepreneurship and applying new ideas and technologies in biological sciences.


  • PSO 1: The students able to understand the theoretical knowledge in the field of microbiology like general, analytical, clinical, food and industrial sectors.
  • PSO 2: The students able to expertise in applying practical knowledge in medical and industrial sectors.
  • PSO 3: The students acquire research knowledge in industrial training and summative projects.
  • PSO 4: The students able to analyze socially acceptable solutions to complex environmental problems with applications of modern and appropriate techniques for sustainable development.
  • PSO 5: The students able to create bio products like microbial inoculams,biologically active compounds and probiotics.


  • PO 1: The students will communicate effectively and deliver message appropriate to a situation, including learning skill ,reading skill and writing skill for preparing reports, analysis, summarize and suggestions in various contacts.
  • PO 2: The students will inspire for social involvement through various organizations like JCI, NSS, YRC, and ROTRACT and understands the significance of nationalism, integrity, equality and justice by creating awareness in various forms.
  • PO 3: The students will cultivate discernment, awareness, self-regulation and higher through yoga and identify the problems to realization of human rights and strengthen the individual with environmental issues.
  • PO 4: The student will understand and follow the ethical values in research and related field’s and become a good human being in the society with human values such as yoga and professional ethics and have a concern over the society.


2 Ms. R.AMRUTHA M.Sc ,MPhil ,B.Ed


Outcome Based Education Workshop

Mrs.M.Revathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology attended and served as Chairperson in one of the sessions in International Conference on Frontier’s in Ethnopharmacology & Globalisation of Natural Medicine” organized by Bharathidasan College of Arts and Science – Chithode on 06-08-2018.

Funded Projects Applied & Articles Published

Funded project titled on National Workshop on Integrated organic farming practices towards sustainable agriculture to Tamilnadu farmers applied by Dr.C.S.Senthamilselvi to Council of Science & Industrial Research in November 2018

Industrial Visit

25 Students & 2 faculty members from Microbiology Department visited Chocolate Factory, Kodaikkanal on 25.01.19 & 26.01.19

